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לוגו המשרד לשיתוף פעולה איזורי_edited_ed

Accessible Culture Convention: Integrating Community, Education, and Technological Innovation

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Equinote Association in collaboration with the Faculty of Music Education at the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center

* free registration

Conference Program

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9:30 AM Welcome Reception

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10:00 AM-13:00 PM Accessible Cultural Zones 

      | 1 | Equating Instruments zone [1st Floor, Chamber 119]

10:00-11:30 AM

Equinote Club group lesson on playing the Arcana (accessible musical instrument),

Led by: Michael Nishri, Head of Music Innovation and Accessibility Department, Equinote


12:00-13:30 PM

Open Stage led by Ehud Lerer, Equinote staff member


      | 2 | Community and Music Space - The Greenhouse [1st Floor, Chamber 122]

10:00-10:15 AM

Equinote Association presentation

Led by: Yifat Shooa, Project Manager and Community Relations, Equinote

10:15-11:00 AM

A conversation and workshops on music, community, and the intersection between them.

Led by: Dr. Evan Kent, Lecturer in Music Education at the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center.


11:00-11:15 AM

Equinote Association presentation

Led by: Yifat Shooa, Project Manager and Community Relations, Equinote

11:15 AM-12:00 PM

A conversation and workshops on music, community, and the intersection between them.

Led by: Dr. Evan Kent, Lecturer in Music Education at the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center.

12:15-12:45 PM

Heart Rhythm - Drumming Workshops | Facilitator: Avner Kedmi​

1:30-2:00 PM

Heart Rhythm - Drumming Workshops | Facilitator: Avner Kedmi​

      | 3 | Innovation and Technology Space [1st Floor, Chamber 122]

Explore pedagogical, technological, and community-based innovations in accessible culture, music education for people with special needs, and more.

10:00-10:30 AM | 12:30-1:00 PM

Shaked Bigi, Community Manager at bettear

10:30-11:00 AM | 12:00-12:30 PM

Yotam Shevah, Innovation Department, Levinsky Wingate Campus on VR

11:00-11:30 AM

Rani Dar, Musician and entrepreneur in the field of electronic music

11:30 AM-12:00 PM | 1:00-1:30 PM

Tal Yaffe, Music teacher, Magic Harp (accessible instrument)

Led by: Avi Wiseman, Musician and producer, Equinote

      | 4 | Sound Therapy and Treatment Area [Floor 4, The Generator Complex]

10:00 AM | 12:00 PM

A workshop on healing sounds and therapeutic ceramics

Rinat Avisar, CEO of the Equinote Association, musician and body-mind therapist.


11:00 AM

Music therapy and experimentation

Dr. Yael Shohat, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Music Education and head of the Music Therapy Program, Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center.

Healing sound workshop led by: Rinat Avisar, Yoram Lachish and Eran Rothschild 

      | 5 | International Cooperation Complex [Floor 4, Chamber 415]

Discussion on initiatives and collaborations with regional countries,The meeting will be held in conjunction with a video conference in Arabic with translation.

Zoom moderated by Rinat Avisar, Equinote CEO Association

Throughout the event, a seating area and coffee will be available for participants for free conversation, networking, and creating collaborations in the lobby floor

Image by Anton Nikolov

Lobby floor

  • Information desk about the Conference

  • Experiential Stations for the Accessible Musical Instrument, Arkana

  • Seating Area and Coffee for Free Conversation, Networking, and Collaboration on the Lobby Floor

1:00-1:30 PM Lunch break and refreshments [in the lobby]

Image by Kelly Sikkema

    1:30-3:00 PM Gathering in the Auditorium

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Opening Remarks:
Professor Roni Lidor, President of the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center

Ms. Rinat Avisar, CEO and Artistic Director of Equine Association

Image by N N

Professional Panel:

Panelists: Dr. Amira Ehrlich, Dean of the Department of Music Education, Levinsky-Wingate Campus

Mr. Hamed al-Kayyan, Head of the Culture and Sports Department in the Hura Local Council

Ms. Natalie Shaharor, Writer, musician, and student of the arcana instrument

Ms. Yifat Shooa, Project and Community Relations Manager, Equinote

Moderator: Yoram Lachish, Equinote Co-founder 

Image by Diego Catto

2:15-3:00 PM Musical Performance

"Step Forward" ensemble - incorporates playing the accessible musical instrument - arcana.

Students from special education schools in the Hura Local Council will perform Bedouin music.

Equinote Band, Professional musicians with and without special needs.

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🗺 ️ Levinsky Campus, Shoshana Persitz 15, Tel Aviv

Free participation subject to advance registration


For accessibility arrangements, please contact Sharon Tal Tamir:


🚗 Free parking and convenient public transportation

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Looking forward to seeing you,
Equinote Team and the Music Faculty
At the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center

*Free registration

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